Are you ready for CHANGE..?
Nurturing Change offers an all-round approach to effective lasting change. Integrating many alternative techniques that are bespoke to your needs.
You will find a confidential accredited therapist whose primary focus is to guide you through to where you want to be. Enabling you to take back control of your life and live the life you were born to live.
Watch how the BALANCE returns, hear the CALM around you and feel the PEACE within your mind.
Nurturing Change has a variety of services in person or online. Operating from the private clinics, Estelle is also able to offer on-site workshops and ‘block’ appointments within businesses and organisations (half or full day).
Whatever your situation or circumstance, Estelle has a vast toolbox of techniques to share with you, empowering you to ensure you overcome the past and current situations and rebuild your life for the future.
In Estelle, you will find an experienced professional, mentor, therapist and trainer.
If you are serious about change, let us make this work together.
If you are serious about CHANGE,
let’s make this work together.

Neuro Linguistic Programming
Angelic Reiki
Integral Eye Movement Therapy
Business Lifestyle Coaching
Workshops, Events, News
Find out up to date news with Estelle on our Facebook Page.

About Nurturing Change with Estelle Louise Balfour
Nurturing Change with Estelle Louise Balfour is based in Pendle, Lancashire.
Estelle runs her clinic in Fence with the opening of a new location, to allow accessibility to a more people.
Workshops, Transformation Programmes and Training will be available throughout the UK and updated within the page, once dates and venues are finalised, along with details of how you can book your place.
If you would like Nurturing Change to run a workshop, transformation programme or training near you, let us know.
Estelle is registered and accredited with: GHR (General Hypnotherapy Register), GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council), CNHC (Complimentary Natural Healthcare Council), ARA (Angelic Reiki Association), BCMA (British Complementary Medical Association), UK Reiki Federation (Associate), OldPain2Go(r) Academy. BA Hons.
For further information call 07367 580572 or email
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