When is NOW the right time for YOU to let go of the old pain..?

OldPain2Go®   Simple, gentle, effective, method for getting a pain free life!



therapy in Pendle & by invitation

Have you been holding on to PAIN for too long..?

OldPain2Go® is at the head of a revolution in how Old Pain messages can be dramatically reduced or removed, rather than just managed.  OldPain2Go® is also proving to have long-lasting beneficial effects for those suffering from Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and ME. 

Pain has a purpose when it relates to a new injury or problem.  It gives us the urgency to deal with an issue, relevant to how much of a problem it is.  However, once we have had a proper medical diagnosis and the tissues are healed, or will never heal, and no more can be done except pain relief, that’s when OldPain2Go® can help – even when nothing else can.

This is not like anything else and all a qualified practitioner needs to do is talk to you – it is not hypnosis – no trance is needed.  OldPain2Go® is a simple methodology based on how the brain processes things” – Steven Blake creator of OldPain2Go® Methodology.





We provide guidance to get your body to review pain messages and see if they can be reduced or removed.
















If your medical practitioner has diagnosed and prescribed or advised pain medication or pain management, which indicates the old pain messages are no longer needed.  Using the methodology, we may be able to help you with an alternative to medication, which is to make a change that will alter the internal review of what pain message is needed.  You are likely to experience the outcome of that review before leaving the session.





When pain medication doesn’t help it’s worth checking out OldPain2Go®

















Why do we have pain..?

Pain is a message, a call to action.  All pain is real, even though it isn’t made where it appears to be.  Pain is manufactured in the brain and sent to the affected area to get you to take action.  It is a carefully calculated message and the brain will make the pain message relevant to the degree of damage.  The right pain message will get you to take the action to enable healing to start, and after an appropriate time, the pain should go – even before you are fully healed.  New Pain is a good idea! If we didn’t have the ability to feel pain, we would cause terrible injuries to ourselves and be unaware of escalating damage.

Why has my pain stuck..?

Pain can remain long after it is no longer of any benefit.  If you have been in pain for longer than 3 months, it is likely to be of no use to you – in fact, your medical professional is likely to have advised or prescribed painkilling medication.  Persistent, old, chronic pain is your own internal defence mechanism deciding that it is still beneficial.  It will have a sound, logical reason for doing so, even though this may not be obvious.  Whilst you hold on to pain it may get in the way of you noticing new pain at a lower level than your current pain.  As this process does NOT numb the area it is always safer to remove the OLD pain than it is to stay in it

Do you qualify for our help..?

1. You have been diagnosed by a medical professional and they have prescribed or advised pain medication or pain management.

2. You want to be pain-free and have no great advantage in keeping the pain.

3. You are willing to cease doing whatever is causing the problem.

4. You will put into practice the aftercare advice.

5. After the session, you will seek your medical professional’s advice on any issues regarding medication and ongoing diagnosis.

“Estelle you are amazing!  Having suffered with a pain in my back for years…. It has now completely gone!  You made me feel so at ease and comfortable, not even feeling like I was having treatment.  Thank you so much” 

Salmah F, Leicester

What to expect…

After an initial telephone consultation to check that you meet the criteria for this methodology, you will be invited for a 1-1 appointment.  A questionnaire will be completed, a discussion will take place between the client and OldPain2Go® Practitioner.  The appointment time will vary from client to client depending on the individual’s circumstances.  A second consultation may on occasions be required.

How does OldPain2Go® work..?

OldPain2Go® is a way of you contacting to your own survival system and challenging the aspect of your mind that is in charge of pain messages.  Following our negotiation, this may result in dramatically lower pain levels or total removal of your OLD, out of date, unnecessary Pain Messages.  Whether you leave with a reduced level of pain or totally pain-free is not down to me as a Practitioner, it is whatever level of pain your body believes to be the safest for you at that moment.  OldPain2Go® is based on the latest in scientific knowledge of how the mind and bodywork in unison and the body’s natural ability to self-heal.  OldPain2Go® can provide a safe and effective way to a more comfortable life.

The Development of OldPain2Go®

Steven Blake created this methodology from his knowledge of NLP and Hypnotherapy and his personal understanding of old, persistent, chronic pain, having suffered from severe back problems for over 40 years.  In 2011 he removed his back pain and have been pain-free ever since.

Steven ran free pain clinics and refined this technique for several years.  In 2016 he started to teach his methods to others.  The majority of those trained as OldPain2Go® Practitioners so far have been Hypnotherapist, and some are Doctors, Psychiatrists and Physiotherapists. 

Steven’s mission is “worldwide, to help as many people out of pain as it possible,” and as a Practitioner, I trained to contribute to that worthy cause.  It costs nothing to find out if you can be pain-free, please contact me now on 07367 580572


This is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, assessment or treatment, and is simply a way of you changing your perception of your current pain levels.  It is not a treatment for pain, it does not prevent future pain, nor does it numb the area.  Prior diagnosis by a medical professional is required.

Contact Estelle